One of my most vivid memories from childhood is “ The Three Wise Men night” or “ Noche de Reyes” in Spanish.
My mother used to prepare cookies and Clementine’s for the wise men and water for the camels. The ritual was fascinating!!!
It was such an excitement that I could hardly go to sleep! But I went to bed looking forward to the next morning.
Funny enough when I woke up I did not go to see the presents. I run to the kitchen to make sure that the wise men had had their cookies and Clementine’s and the camels had drunk their water.
Tonight I am preparing the food and the water like my mother used to do. Tomorrow in the morning I will make sure that the cookies, Clementine’s and water are gone.
I wish you all a great night and that The Three Wise Men brings you many gifts.
Now it is time to go to bed ….
Con esas galletas tan ricas...seguro que recibiras muchos regalos!!!
Mariapi muchas gracias!!! Que tu tambien tengas una feliz noche y que te traigan muchos regalos!
Unas galletas y una historia deliciosas ambas.
Un beso y feliz noche de Reyes
Hoy me han preguntado por tus cupcakes "gosas". Yo he preparado con Clara la leche para los Reyes y el agua para los camellos, los zapatos... ¡¡¡qué momento!!!
A ver si podemos probar esas galletas!!!
Happy Holidays, Mariola!
It is so exciting! It is good to keep the magic of the holidays :)
I hope you received many presents!
Hugs :–)
Hola Isabel!! Me alegro que te gusten las galletas y la historia. Muchos Besos
Dear Tony! Thanks so much for passing by. I am very happy with my gifts! all for my kitchen!!!
I try to leave comments in your blog but it wouldn´t let me. I´ll keep trying! Warm Regards!
With health and pleasure to use your gifts, Mariola!
Sorry for the inconvenience, but do not know where is the problem :(
Best wishes and kisses :-)
Me encanta este ritual también.....cuando era pequeña siempre lo hacía. tengo muchas ganas de tener peques en casa para volverlo a hacer. Te hanq uedado unas galletas tremendas
Feliz Año Mariola!
Hola Ingrid! El ritual es fascinante! Tendrían que dejar a los niños creer que los Reye existen mucho mas tiempo para que disfrutaran mas de momentos de estos, verdad? Besos
Yo de pequeña tampoco podía dormir esa noche, ja,ja!!!!
Las galletas tienen una pinta buenísima.
Casita todavia es el dia de hoy que me cuesta dormirme en Reyes!! Ja ja !!!! besos
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